If you have been wearing the same dental prostheses (dentures) for many years and have never had them examined by your dental professional, then you are exposing your health to several risks.
Many people believe that dentures remain adequate for many years. Nothing is further from the truth.Dentures are made of a solid material that is not flexible and lacks the ability to adapt to the changes that take place over the years.
Some of the things that could happen if wearing a denture for too long are: softening of the gums, painful and inflamed gums, difficulty chewing and digesting, headaches, ears and neck pain, and rapidly receding gums.
If your dentures are unstable, you may need to think of implants.
If you have been wearing the same dental prostheses (dentures) for many years and have never had them examined by your dental professional, then you are exposing your health to several risks.
Many people believe that dentures remain adequate for many years. Nothing is further from the truth.Dentures are made of a solid material that is not flexible and lacks the ability to adapt to the changes that take place over the years.
Some of the things that could happen if wearing a denture for too long are: softening of the gums, painful and inflamed gums, difficulty chewing and digesting, headaches, ears and neck pain, and rapidly receding gums.
If your dentures are unstable, you may need to think of implants.
Implant treatment is one of the most life changing treatments in dentistry. A dental implant consists of a small titanium root that is inserted in the bone of the missing tooth in order to provide an anchor that will replace the root of the natural tooth.
One of the most important advantages with dental implants is bone preservation. Otherwise, over time, the jaw will get smaller and the face will deform. Studies have shown that when implant patients were asked if they had to do it all over again, over 90% said they would.
implants (All-on-4©)
With the changes in dental implant technology we can now provide, in most cases, temporary fixed dentures on the same day of the surgery.
All-on-4 technique
Four implants are placed in the jaw bone while the temporary prosthesis is fabricated and screwed into the implants. This ensures the teeth are fixed.
After 4 to 6 months, we can proceed in delivering you the final fixed prosthesis.
The Mag-Dent Experience

Timely Appointments
We have flexible appointement times to meet your busy schedule.

Free Parking
Don’t worry about finding parking in our area, we have dedicated spots for our clients.

Netflix At Each Operatory
While we keep your dental hygiene in check, you can relax and watch our ongoing stream of Netflix.

Free Dental Kit
Every new client gets a free cleaning kit including a battery powered toothbrush.